Swarovski Pendulum / Necklace Pendulum
手造能量水晶靈擺 / 頸鏈


- 獨持設計及選用A級施華洛水晶
- Unique design using A CLASS SWAROVSKI CRYSTALS

- 可作治療,能量平衡,潔淨,冥想及指引用途
- Provides healing, energy balancing, cleansing, meditation and guidance effects

- 所有靈擺已經潔淨及灌注能量
- Pendulums have been purified, cleansed and empowered with ENERGY, can radiate energy to its greatest level

- 有白色,黃色,粉紅色,藍色,綠色及紫色可供選擇
- Various color for selection : White, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Green, Purple

Crystal / Gemstone Pendulum 水晶 / 晶石靈擺
- 水晶 /晶石靈擺除了型態特別,能量接收更比一般水晶,是一種非一般的功能水晶

- Crystal / Gemstone Pendulum is a functional crystal, its special shape makes the channeled energy much powerful than others.