Water Stick 能量共鳴水滴棒 (目前供應:0 - 108號) *已停產* |
小 - 18.5cm |
整個宇宙的運作建立在互鳴共振的基礎上:也就是說,每件事物都在屬於自己的頻率下振動,而水擁有特殊的品質能將所有的事物整合,複製,然後不斷的傳遞。這也就是為什麼經由與水滴棒共鳴之後的飲用水對人體的身心健康有立即的成效。這個最新的研究成功地啟發了生命的再生秘密,也完全地將我們的現代科技和先人的智慧結合了。日本的水結晶研究學家江本勝先生證明了水的分子結構是不同的,水不僅僅會吸收它所接觸到的事物,同時也會與之產生共鳴,然後將記憶儲存起來,甚至是有些年代久遠到已無從查證的事物(根據順勢療法及巴哈花精療法的研究);其他類型的研究例如,生物電磁場研究,克里安照片技術(人體氣場攝錄儀),唐克菲照片技術(Dunkelfeld photography),水分子結構照片技術,和更多類似的研究更加證實了同樣的道理。喬思爾默瑟(私人研究學者)致力於研究水分子結構照片技術多達二十年了,根據他的研究報告顯示,肯定了水滴共鳴棒放入了飲用水二十分鐘後所帶來的正面變化,共鳴之後的水在顯微鏡下照出來的相片充分展示出了和來自山間無污染的純淨泉水有一樣完整的色彩光譜,它的色彩結構在反應出水本應擁有的能量,亦即無暇,純淨,及有震動的活力!同時,我們也很榮幸的藉由費契拿先生和玻璃藝術之間的特殊情誼,帶著愛與奉獻的心情來共同創造出這完美的作品!每一隻Aura-Soma®水滴共鳴棒均是帶著愛的手工製造完成的,由於所使用的玻璃不含鉛,所以它相當適合傳送飲用水產生共鳴的能量。
The watersticks are truly amazing, made from hand- blown glass with a bulbous bottom and a hook at the top. They can be used in the bath or put them into a jug of water to energise it. Another way of using them is to hang them in any space that you feel drawn to and this will help to bring the energy of that equilibrium combination into your space. Masaru Emoto has published some books on water, one of which is called Messages from Water. Different experiments were done with frozen water crystals that had been subjected to different situations and words. Photos of some of the water crystals that were created in the water that contained the Water sticks have been taken and it is interesting to see that the water crystals from the different bottles have different patterns.The Water sticks contain the equivalent of a 25ml bottle of liquid within them and can be made up of any colour combination within the 109 bottles in the range. This is a very supportive tool as not only are we rehydrating our bodies with water but we are also supporting ourselves energetically with the bottle that we are feeling drawn to at that point in time. They help to change the molecular structure of water.

Energised Paint Additives *已停產* |
These Paint Additives have been developed by micro-encapsulating the very essence of the energies of the Aura-Soma® Pomander and Quintessence ranges and then suspending the micro-encapsulated essence in a carrier suitable for adding to the paint of our choice. In each Additive, there is also an additional cleansing essence to clear all old or negative energies of past content out of our walls. The effect is fascinating yet simple at the same time. We can enhance our living and working space or more artistic painting by using these Additives to change the color energy, creating more harmony and positive well-being, offering us greater success.

Equilibrium Resource Cards
This is an invaluable tool that holds a great deal of information on each bottle. It has been particularly developed for Aura-Soma® Practitioners but anyone would find this beneficial. The Resource Cards is a folder which holds the individual cards relating to each bottle. Each of the 109 cards display:
- Color picture of the Equilibrium bottle
- Name & number of bottle
- Matrix numbers
- The bottle's affirmation & main theme
- Keynotes of the bottle
- Top fraction & bottom fraction colors
- What the two colors shake together as
- Diagram of the Tree of Life and bottle's palcement therein
Aura-Soma Tarot Cards *已停產*
The New Aura-Soma® New Aeon Tarot Cards (with bottle back & plain back version) have been developed by Mike Booth & Pamela Matthews and truly are a most beautiful set to have in one's collection. There is a great deal of symbolism in the cards which can be interpreted by everyone and not just Aura-Soma Practitioners.
There is a booklet attached with the deck which has some wonderful associations to the traditional meaning of the Tarot Card and also to the Equilibrium Bottle(s). |

Aura Soma Inspiration Cards *已停產* |
Each of the vibrant images in this collection is an artistic expression of the energy contained within an Equilibrium bottle.
With continuing input and encouragement from Mike Booth, the concept and images were developed by our friends Deborah Husbands and Hartmut Gunther.
Using direct sunlight shining through the Equilibrium Bottles, each was digitally photographed and the resultant array of energy and colour was used as a pallet for the creation of each image.
On the reverse side of each card you will find the Bottle Number, Colour, Name, Affirmation and Main Theme.
Life Force Balancer & Activator Disk
Life Force Balancer Disk |
Life Force Activator Disk |

Bio-dynamic Aura-Soma Tea *已停產*
Silver Green |
The Silver Green is a special tea from Makaibari Tea Estates. This is a very rare Green Tea exclusively for connoisseurs, who delight in sipping a natural green tea, without a grassy chlorophyllic flavour. The Silver Green is a special offering created after five years of research and development for the discerning. It is sparkling in its light pale green infusion and with a genteel aroma of ripe peaches in spring. |
First Flush |
A real vintage treat for the most sophisticated pallet. This tea is so special that one is almost tempted to keep it only for celebrations - but once you have tried it you will want to share it with friends on every possible occasion. It makes you feel good and lifts your spirits after the first sip. It is produced after the tea plants have had long winter hibernation and is as exciting as a really good Beaujolais Nouveau. |
Second Flush - Muscatel |
Produced after the advent of the first spring showers, it is an ephemeral experience, coppery, bright and it gently unfurls the hint of musk on the palate. At mid-day when the mind and body begin to drop, it provides simulation with the hint of Muscatel, which epitomises the vibrancy of summer life forces. Why not just spoil yourself? |

Aura-Soma® CDs

Aura-Soma Key Ring *已停產*

 Color Astro Bio-Chemic Salts *已停產*
15 Color of Pomander & Quintessence Incense Sticks

AEOS Vegan Nail Lacquer *已停產*


