
波曼德 - 潔淨,保護,強化. 可潔淨及保護使用者免受負面能量的影響,同時也可以平衡我們的能量場。同時,波曼德可以加強平衡油對人體的支持, 讓每個使用者更能連繫自己的本質。
Pomanders - Daily Auric Hygiene (Cleansing, Protective & Strengthening). Pomanders are act as a cleansing & protection from unhealthy influences and induce healthy influences to enter the body. Many have described an incredible sense of peace and wellbeing after using the Pomanders. They also provide a great support when using Equilibrium Oil together with pomanders to be able to touch with our soul essence.
Cleansing, Protection, Purification
潔淨 (自身氣場, 水晶, 環境), 清晰思緒
Love, Warmth, Caring, Attractive
Protective, Grounding, Energizing
幫助你著根於地、給你活力和最佳的保護 (深紅色 - 更深層,強化)
Unrequtied / one way love, Love wisdom
治療單向/沒補償的愛,建立愛的智慧 |
Shock Absorber, Dependancy
治療靈妙體。正面幫助各層面的人格狀態 (心靈、心理、情感以及身體),解除舊有/當下的驚嚇而變得完整。幫助消除依賴、互相依賴的問題 |
Release fear, Connect with inner-wisdom
解除內在不理性的恐懼,促使與生俱來的智慧得以顯現,和與自己的本能做更深的連結 |
Joy, Anti-depression
Love and power, Forgiveness, Feminie leadership
解除苦澀感,寬恕自己及別人, 導引出女性領導能力的品質,在情感層面也一樣 |
Space giving, Balance, Help to make decision
讓你有充份空間和時間的感覺,在做決定的過程中支持你 |
Playfulness, Communication from the heart, Mass communication
嬉戲。幫助與感覺做連結並增進表達能力。激發創造力和消除對演講的恐懼 |
Communication, Peace
促進溝通、帶來平靜感 |
Feeling of isolate, Intuition
舒緩孤立/疏離, 有助連結直覺 |
Healing, Tranformation
治療及克服所有層面的限制。提高覺知的能力。支持轉化. |
The Carer's Carer
對自己的愛,給予內在的治療及關懷,增強沮喪恢復之後正向能量的流通和給予保護的作用 |
Quintessences 師父瓶

師父瓶 - 喚醒內在的師父.師父瓶子是以中外的師父名字命名,透過所有師父們所帶來的人格特質原型,用以探討人類心靈內在的意義和價值觀,如基督,老子與觀音,St.Germain等等,皆可以透過使用者的內心指引,找到自己的價值觀和內在轉化的關鍵。
Quintessences - Invoking the best we are. Quintessences represent to different master. Vicki Wall, the founder and creator of Aura-Soma, called them the "hotline to Heaven"! The masters are Christ, Kwan Yin and Lao Tsu, Saint Germain. They affect the outer bodies or what Aura-Soma calls the spiritual body. They act as a vehicle into a meditative state as well as instruments through which we can contact the master within ourselves.
Thy Will be done through me, Peace, Trust
上天的意旨透過我們得以完成,帶來平靜及信任 |
Self-conscious, Medium for communication, Enhance understanding of science/numerology
自我認知,雙向溝通,加強對科學/數字的理解 |
Unconditional love. To harmonize aggression
無條件的愛將生活中每個層面的負向能量轉化成正向能量。保護使用者和可以改變一個可能太激進的狀況 |
I am the Way, the Truth, the Light
Purification and New Beginnings
幫助徹底洗滌自己/晶石的氛圍,同時給予平衡、保護, 更光明, 新的開始 |
Awakening, Grounding and Caring
覺醒,更落實, 有關愛, 有助認知人生的任務
Healing, Meditation, Transformation
Creative expression of Love and Beauty. Dream work
For fresh beginnings, endings, and for journeys
幫助融入同步性,在正確的時間處身於正確的地點。使你免於長途飛行之後時差上的不適感,適用於開始做研究課題和完成時使用。能讓課題中所需要的能量流入。完成後,它讓你有圓滿的感覺,同時讓你意識到可以放下了 |
Mercy and Non-judgement, Love and Joy
有助發展出慈悲的心。不批判時,亦不會被批判, 深感愛和喜悅
Compassion and Deep insight, release from the past
憐憫和深層的洞見 ,從過去中釋放 |
Bringing the Divine into everyday, seeing the depths of things
Creative communication from the heart, support process of individuation
幫助你一切從心去表達,使你與「內在導引」或「內在師父」取得很深的連結, 幫助發展個人化過程 |
Seeking the truth, good for those interest astrology
對占星學有興趣的人,看清事實和產生自愛感,也幫助你創造出所需要的時間和空間。有方向感,更了解大自然的律動、法則、和模式 |
Be receptive and listen carefully, Bridging qualities
激發接受性和幫助敞開一點。建立穚樑,接納和仔細聆聽 |
*有關波曼德及師父瓶(25ml 滴裝)的做法,大家可瀏覽 facebook (搜尋:The Spiritual Shop)內的短片.