AURA-SOMA® Consultation

AURA-SOMA®這個色彩護理系統源產自英國,你只須於一百多瓶彩油中選取4個彩油瓶來滋養你的身心靈需求。個案解讀中,我們會藉著你的選擇,道出彩油瓶內顏色背後的情緒意義、心理意義、靈性意義,數字密碼解讀以及對應身體脈輪/氣場與身心靈狀況. 諮詢師會以支持的態度與你一同探索內在的旅程, 此項目可助你認知及解決內在最中心的障礙,鬱結,困惑等負面能量/模式,令你覺得可能無法解決的事情因身心靈層面的轉化而得到解脫。

"你就是你選擇的顏色,同時亦反映你的身心所需", 快來體驗一下這個完全不一樣的色彩之旅!

AURA-SOMA® can help improve your spiritual well being, moving you toward a deeper understanding of yourself, it enables you to be in touch with the essence of yourself that always reflects your inner beauty. When you have made contact with this inner source it also has an effect upon the outer aspects of yourself. To bring inner beauty out, to reflect your positive gifts and talents, to help you to be in touch with why you are here and what you are here for. Through consultation and the application of color this "Window of the Soul" approach reveals aspects of yourself in a form that you can begin to understand and accept.

"You are the colors you choose". The colors you chose will reflect the needs that lie hidden within. Your color choice will help you to recognise these needs at a deep level. Through its use and application the system opens levels of communication between the self and the soul. Your chosen colors have the capacity to support you in a deeper understanding of your "soul" selves, past, present and to come. Through the wave-lengths of color you are given clues to becoming self empowered and you will discover that you really can create your own future.


本店有英國註冊證明的彩油老師及經驗諮詢師為大家做個案諮詢, 由於服務品質的堅持,我們須為每位諮詢的客人作出一些特別的事前安排準備,務求在一個舒適美好的環境下進行諮詢,所以敬請預約, 謝謝!