現在,新的轉化產生,新的瓶組 - 鍊金瓶組即將出現來洗滌我們更深層的內在世界。
許多朋友在探索內在的過程當中,可能會發覺,個人最無法控制的,往往是無意識的心靈現象,其中一個最令大家怯步,也往往成為停止使用平衡油的關鍵,就在於個人內在那塊佔地極大的“陰影"區。在正常的人格發展過程中,若個人有某些部份因為認知或感情成份的壓抑或分裂,就會陷入陰影之中。這個陰影往往是我們所不願意去面對,卻又揮之不去、隱藏在我們內心深處的一個黑影子。夢境中的顯現,經常是由於“陰影"的作祟,令人防不勝防。而個人內在許多反社會、反道德的現象,也往往只經由這些陰影 ( 或夢境 ) 表現出來,像是一種內在潛意識的釋放,內在壓力的解脫。“陰影"經常是我們所不能明白或直接經驗的,所以它經常經由“投射"的過程出現。在這些經歷中,我們常覺得自己是無辜的羔羊,是可憐的受害者,因此,我們更需要釋放出我們的情緒 ...
Aura-Soma® presents a very special set of Equilibrium Oils called the Inner Alchemy Set.
When B99 Archangel Tzadkiel was born on February 26, 1999, Venus & Jupiter were conjunct in the sky, marking a blossoming and expansion of the feminine energies on our planet. At the same time, by contrast, there was an increasing feeling of disconnectedness, chaos and suffering as the intolerance of differences among people was growing. Rapid change was happening all over the world. And since everything is a mirror, Aura-Soma®, too, began to change.
Unlike ever before in the history of Aura-Soma®, the Equilibrium living energies moved through rapid fluctuations in color. For example, greens turned yellow, turquoise transformed into gold, blues became deep violet, and many, many bottles turned various shades of olive! Colors lightened, some even turned clear! New colors emerged such as champagne, lime, terra cotta, cerulean, rose, teal, silver, periwinkle, and maroon, to name a few.
As the world was being challenged to open to new possibilities, Equilibrium began to present new possibilities within each of us.
The Inner Alchemy Set bottles work together as a team, with each bottle having its own special message. When they come to you, most likely some or all of the bottles will have transformed into something totally different, as that is their nature to instantly reflect yourself back to you. Individual bottles may be special ordered.