+ HAIR 非一般的 色彩能量染髮間 [ 絕無僅有推介 ]

本店一直提倡把靈性融入日常生活, 所以分店除了以往的 Aura-Soma®, 超能量風水產品及占卜 / 心靈諮詢外, 我們特設一個超舒適 , 更被譽為好像進入另一個的私人理髮空間, 讓你可暫時放鬆並給你的身心靈來充電一下. 此處絕對不能與各級髮廊相比,特色之處是所有水源及產品都經能量化處理, 大大減除化學物質的影響而且更有深層滋潤, 令髮色更亮麗持久的作用,色彩護理之外更有能量補充, 平衡整體狀態, 同一時間滿足你的內外, 從內至外在都美 .

有沒有發覺你對顏色的喜好會隨著時間 / 心情而有所改變 ? 各種顏色都具有不同的意義和帶著不同的能量, 例如 : 紅色帶著熱情, 紫色內帶有放鬆的元素 .

+HAIR 的理念基本著重以身心靈的角度分析及為客人建議適合的染髮色調, 從而補給或增強自身的能量, 達至身心靈都和諧平衡, 相對地提昇整體的運勢 .


有技術的快而美 - 全程由資深的髮型技術總監主理, 無須呆坐等候多時, 令你省卻很多時間, 但無須付上頂級髮廊的收費 .

全球首創 – 讓 Aura-Soma® 融合於髮色護理當中, 註冊諮詢師會配合你所選擇的顏色, 從而提昇整體的能量 .

重質的堅持 - 全店的水源 ( 水的重要性可參考 The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr. Masaru Emoto) 及選用的產品都經能量化過程 ( 重組水份子的活水系統及生物圓盤 ) 處理, 使你的頭髮得到額外的滋養, 顏色更亮麗持久 .


髮型技術總監 Gary Ng 簡介

- 曾於 Toni & Guy 中環店任職首席髮型技術總監

- 擁有 13 年以上的經驗

- 於英國就讀多個髮型的深造及流行系列課程

- 現在為 Aura-Soma® 註冊諮詢師及能量產品顧問


Shop II + Hair - Extraordinary Spiritual Hair Salon

We believe that you can live in the riches of all aspects of your life because you are always the star and the producer of your own movie. The Spiritual Shop II + Hair is, the first spiritual hair salon in Hong Kong , aiming to spread the essence of life for loving yourself and embracing your inner beauty to follow your dreams.

Our Technical Director, Gary Ng, is passionate about colours and its relationship with each individual. She was the Chief Technical Director of Toni & Guy in Hong Kong Central Art Team Salon and has been professionally trained in England . She is also a registered Aura-Soma® Practitioner and Energy Product Consultant. Her over 13 years of working with colours and hairstyling bring in her new inspiration of combining her professional knowledge and skills with her spiritual insights.

Gary believes, “Everybody is unique and deserve self appreciation of their inner beauty. We are the colour that we choose and the colour represents us. Though the colour(s) we choose may change from time to time, it contains important messages for us to learn and grow.”

In helping you to see the truth of being who you are and follow your dreams, The Spiritual Shop II + Hair, an extraordinary Colour Therapy Hair Salon is launched for providing you a personal space to have your own colour treatment to recharge, revitalize and balance your body in all levels to vibrant your beauty charisma from inner to outer. Energized products are used during the process to increase and balance your energy level.



Styling / Colour / High-Lighting / Perm / Straightening / Treatment

* Welcome to have a consultation and skin test 24 hours before service.



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